Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Some of my dearest friends finally got to meet Jaxon on my most recent trip to Conway. My Sister, June was with me and got some great smiles out of the boy! It doesn't take much for him to freely give the greatest smiles!

Aunt June & Jaxon

Me, Donna and Heber

"Miss" Donna loves Jaxon!

Heber, Me with Jaxon and Jane

Heber taking a pic of Jane and Jaxon

Jaxon loved "Miss" Jane!


Jennifer said...

You are making me homesick! :-) And why is it that none of you seem to have aged a bit in the last twenty years (While I seem to look older by the minute)??? ;-) :-D

Looks like a wonderful time. Jaxon just gets cuter and cuter!

Anonymous said...

You better believe we LOVE that Jaxon. He's got a smile for you anytime. I miss him.

HeltonTexas said...

Conway grandmamas and Memphis Auntie!