Happy Father's Day!
I have been influenced in my life by many "Fathers"......
My Dad has a strong personality that is sometime good and sometime not so good. He taught....and continues to teach me valuable lessons in life. I appreciate him for providing for me and for always encouraging me to be a strong, independent woman.
My Grandfathers were two very fine men. One who made mistakes and paid dearly for them. After having 12 children, he divorced my Grandmother for another woman! This was in the 40's when that was very taboo. Lots and lots of stories here, but I loved this old man dearly.
My Mother's father was quite different.... he was one of the finest men to ever walk this earth. He was kind, generous, loving to his family and a good provider. He was a gentle, sweet person. I can't find enough adjectives to praise Granddaddy Ligon
The Father in my life who has been the strongest influence to me is my dear husband, Paul. He is without a doubt the best "Dad" ever. I thank God for putting us together.
"The greatest gift I ever had Came from God, and I call him Dad!"~~Author Unknown.