Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve

What a fun time we are having! I changed my first Jaxon diaper today!! He had a poopie....and as I was changing him.....I got my first Jaxon pee shower!! Seriously, he really got me! I had to change clothes and so did he.....and everything in a 5 ft. area! No problems with his urinary system!

He is without a doubt the most beautiful baby ever born! Seriously! My babies were beautiful, but this one....he is in a class all his own!

A new pic....but - you should check out Bernadette's blog -,
her's is much better than mine!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday with Jaxon

Will stayed with Bern and Jaxon. Everything went great.....he had his hearing test this morning and he had a perfect score. Bern had her shower .... Jaxon has his little "man" surgical procedure... which he did NOT enjoy.....Bern and Jaxon will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow ........all is well at Helton Texas!

Pictures - Jaxon Friday evening...

Anna, Monica and Betsy with Jaxon.

Grandmama's Baby!!

Bern and Jaxon got to the room..which is beautiful....around 4:00.
Harry T came to see Jaxon.....and brought him an LSU Jersey and socks! Seriously LSU!!
Jordan came by for a did Bern's friend Susan.

Door Wreath made by GranMama

Uncle Michael and Jaxon

Jaxon, Michael and Sarah

Look at that hair!

With my Mom....

Bern's friend, Susan...Anna, Monica and Betsy

Grandad finally gets his turn!

Fresh Picture.......


JAXON IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 cm!

Will called and said she was 10 in there.....
he sent a text and said "brown hair"!!!!! OMG!!!

Last call for visits!

12:36 PM
Will came out and invited anyone who wanted to visit Bern before the real thing starts should go now. Michael and Paul went to see her. Monica and the girls went to lunch. Paul and Michael just came back and decided to run across the street to the deli and get a sandwich. They'll bring me one back....I am babysitting everyone's belongings.
Will said that Dr. Garner thinks we'll have a baby by 3:30! Whoo Hoo!!

90% effaced......6 cm

UPDATE...... 12:12 PM

Dr. Garner said she is 90% effaced and dilated 6 cm. He will come by in an hour and the pushing will begin.

Michael is helping me with the blog and sending texts out. Anna and Paul are here too.

Pictures from the room!!

Monica, Betsy and Anna arrived at 11:50 AM

Will's showing me Jaxon's first bed

Still pain now!

GranMama gets to go back.

Just waiting.....

Epidural in place

10:21 AM

Will came out for his Orange Rock Star and told us that she is 4cm. They got her epidural in place....with some difficulty, but successful. She was upset from the pain that caused, but has calmed down now...the epidural is working! She has oxygen and is being monitored. Unfortunately we are sitting directly across from the baby gift shop and I found this!!!!!!! OMG!!!! How cute!!!
Uncle Johnny just called to check in. He's keeping close to his phone.

Orange Rock Star??

Will just called and wanted his Dad to go to the vending maching and get him an Orange Rock Star....I believe this is the equivalent of a triple espresso! I'm wondering if this is a good idea, but if the boy needs caffeine, then he shall get it!

The update is that she is 4.5 ... is having some intense pain -- so they are about to do the epidural. Whoo Hoo...Progress!!

Sarah Cat just called and confirmed that I am the "coolest" grandmother ever!!!!!! I must agree. She is loving the blog.....Keep watching Sarah Cat!

Today I become a GranMama!

Arriving at the hospital 6:45 AM

Today is December 28, 2007. This is the day I will meet my first Grandchild, Jaxon Ashton Helton! I am sitting here at Plano Presbyterian Hospital in Plano, Texas with Paul waiting. Michael just left to run some errands. It is 8:06 AM...we've been here since 5:45.

Will and Bern were supposed to be here at 6AM...but they called and were told to wait until 7. Paul, Michael and I came on over here to surprise them ... only to be surprised ourselves when she had been delayed an hour!

8:08 AM ----- Doctor just broke her water! We got a text message from Will.

Catching up to date...

The day after Christmas we helped Will and Bern take down everything Christmas! We cleaned everything and stored it in the attic for next year.

Yesterday, Bern's Mom, Monica and her two sisters, Betsy and Anna arrived at Helton Texas to join in the excitement!!

Last night, Will took us all to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate.

8:24 AM---- Will just came to the waiting room to update us. He is going to the car to get her pillow. He was in there when the doctor broke her water and agreed it almost made him pass out! The doctor assured him that the baby will be born today!! He loves the nurses she has..2 of them. She is having a little pain..not bad.

Self-portrait while we wait...we are the most high tech Grandparents waiting!!
We both have our laptops fired up!!